Drug Abuse Reduction Programs in Gainesville, VA: What are the Success Rates?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) requires that grantees spend at least 20% of their SABG allocation on primary substance abuse prevention strategies. These strategies are designed to target people who have not yet identified a need for treatment. Harm reduction is an effective approach to addressing the public health crisis related to substance use, as well as infectious diseases and other harms associated with drug use. Despite the fact that addiction and substance abuse are major issues in the United States, a survey conducted by SAMHSA revealed that up to 90% of people who need drug rehabilitation do not receive it.3 With such a desperate need for solutions, what results can be expected from treatment? Unfortunately, less than 42% of people who enter treatment for drug and alcohol use complete it.9The American Rescue Plan has authorized funding to increase access to a variety of community harm reduction services and support harm reduction service providers in their work to help prevent overdose deaths and reduce health risks associated with drug use.

This will be carried out within a comprehensive prevention strategy at the state and community levels and will provide technical assistance and consultation services to support the implementation of effective, evidence-based harm reduction programs, practices, and policies in diverse settings. The only significant incremental effect of TND+MI on the number of times participants used marijuana among non-white participants was found between the two program conditions, but not between the program conditions and the SCC condition; therefore, it did not indicate a preventive effect of the program. In the control condition (SCC), participants only received drug use prevention activities, if any, provided directly to them by their school. The SAMHSA Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) Performance Partnership Branch (CSAT), in collaboration with the State Programs Division of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), administers the SABG. It is ideal to implement overdose education and naloxone administration (OEND) programs in syringe services programs. Sussman, Rohrbach, Patel, & Holiday (200) suggested that explicit and structured action by the teacher to get students to make statements and ask each other questions (talk about group change in the classroom) can be the essence of an effective drug education program, in addition to the specific contents of the program. The effects on drug use were similar to those of previous trials, which were implemented in 1994-1995; this demonstrates that the TND program seems to stand the test of time and is still an effective program for reducing drug use among older adolescents.

To assess the effect of the program on drug use, three different types of models were carried out in which outcomes of drug use were treated as dichotomous measures, ordinal counting, or continuous measures. The effects of using cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, and hard drugs for 30 days were examined, as well as measures of risky sexual behaviors (number of sexual partners, use of condoms, sex while using drugs or alcohol).Under both conditions of the program (TND and TND+MI only), in-person sessions were taught by trained health educators in selected classrooms over a four-week period. As there is no information on drug use or demographic characteristics of participants that were not measured before testing, generalization of this study is limited to a population with restrictions on access to pre-test measurement. Anyone can visit the NHRTAC website and request technical assistance on harm reduction from experts who will respond in a timely manner. In addition, implementing MI programming in school settings would be difficult without commitment from counseling staff from school districts or third parties.

Grantees should develop a comprehensive primary prevention program that includes activities and services provided in a variety of settings.